What is Phillips Loop???

It has been a few months since I started this blog and it has been a great experience. I have been asked questions through Twitter and Facebook about 1) who is Phillip and 2) Why the name Phillips Loop? My first post, the welcome post, was short but should have provided this background. This post will answer those questions.

First and foremost, my name is Roberto, not Phillip. I am a government employee who travel blogs part time. This blog was started to share my experiences with people other than my friends. I pay for my trips through points, miles, or a combination of both.

The name “Phillips Loop” comes from the street where I grew up. It is located in the tiny town of Brooksville, Mississippi. I chose the name because this place taught me the importance of family and gave me the foundation to become the person that I am today.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. Please continue to provide feedback and I will do my best to provide quality content (if only I could take better pictures).

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